ROCK- BOTTOM & UP, written by lAN ORIGI AKATWIJUKA and edited by Kelele Arts Foundation leader IAN JASON NIIWEBYONA, is a debut poetry collection that sparks such deep conversation about human feelings, getting back to the things that are hard to talk about, the book, ROCK-BOTTOM & UP, helps us to be empathetic with those who maybe going through what we do not know about, the book is brave, it does not fear to explore important topics, like the laughing God in WHAT THE HELL IS SO FUNNY or GOD MADE ME ON A MONDAY, the writer fights for his place on earth after death, helping the reader to explore what death means, in PLEASE PUT SOME EFFORT INTO MY TRIBUTE. The book ROCK- BOTTOM & UP is filled with such wit and humor, a sort of creative entertainment, in poems like BOB MARLEY CONCERT, humorous with poems like BAD JOKE or ESCAPEDES OF AN ESTEEM, written from not an all knowing perspective but a humble place of understanding those who struggle with Mental Health, the book is for those who feel like they can’t fit in, for the depressed friends, who get the jokes that everyday normal people won’t get.
Updated: Aug 27, 2023