December plot for Art, Books, Poetry lovers all over Uganda is here and the poet’s are Raging.
Literally, look at all these lineups, some of them are on the same days but even better because like on the 4th of December, there is Mercy Geno Apachi, the shy poet’s show and a private reading titled THE PERKS OF SMOKING TOO MUCH by Shiraz Batanda at motivug and and a Bukoto Street Christmas pop-up organized by Kona and others, but here is the beauty in how much activity there is around writers and poets and artists of Uganda, the fact that Mercy Geno Apachi, the shy poet’s show is happening in Gulu, and the other event, in Kampala, the diversity of events, the accessibility of the events, the availability of art, is becoming more of a norm in Kampala-and all over Uganda
( case in point being Mercy Geno Apachi, the shy poet’s show in Gulu on the 4th of December ) and that is something that l, as an Art enthusiast in Uganda is very proud of!

Another clash happens to be around the Love Rhymes IN THE WOODS, organized by Echo Minds Poetry that is happening on the 11th of December. It’s clashing with The Christmas Book Fair organized by Goethe Zentrum & LADU POETRY H.o.u.s.e.
Love Rhymes IN THE WOODS is happening at Nyungu Yamawe Forest Park located on the outskirts of the city in Kira, Bulindo. Somehow the city dwellers that can’t travel so far into Nyungu Yamawe Forest Park get to stay and enjoy purchasing and interacting with books from Uganda and East Africa at Central Perk, Old Kira Road.

On the 12th December, we have two giant events too, a poetry reading by Davis the Poet at Motiv ug, and a poetry show performance by Lus and The Band, two comparisons; a stand alone Artist/ Poet, alongside a collective effort ( Lus and The Band ) to bring Art to the people.

Honourable Mention and chronological order of events by preceeding dates:-

It almost feels like the Ugandan Artist, Ugandan Creative, Ugandan Writer, Ugandan Poet, and everyone who loves to watch them is finally able to sit back, relax, and let Art take charge. Happy December yall Art Lovers out there♥️